Statutory Information

Financial Report and Accounts
The first year end is to 31st August 2024 and the financial report and accounts will be published in December 2024.

Articles and Funding

Gender Pay Gap

  • Gender Pay Gap Report March 2023
  • The number of employees with annualised emoluments (including gross pay and employer’s pension contributions) in excess of £100,000 for the 2023/24 year will be published here in December 2024.


On conversion to a multi-academy trust in January 2024, a policy review was completed and all statutory policies are in place. In some cases, they remain the same as the policies that were in place prior to conversion as no changes are needed. In others they have been approved in line with the establishment of the multi-academy trust to ensure that the trust is compliant with DfE guidance.
View all Federation policies here.

Declaration of Interests

Declaration of Interests for the Trust Board can be viewed here.