On 1st January 2024 the Leathersellers’ Federation of Schools became a multi-academy trust, a charity with responsibility for running our three schools in line with our vision and values: Prendergast Ladywell School; Prendergast School; and Prendergast Vale School.
Our governance structure
Our aim is to have clear systems which allow everyone to understand how we work and how decisions are made. A culture of accountability is crucial to this.
Governance is delivered for all our schools through our Local Governing Bodies, and our Federation Board and its committees setting clear objectives and systematic monitoring of progress and outcomes for our students and staff. Good governance oversight is provided by the Members of the multi-academy trust.
Who we are
Key governance documentation
More details of how the trust functions can be found in our key governance documentation below.
Articles of Association
Funding Agreements
Scheme of Delegation