Federation Board

Lsfed governance structure 2023 003

The Federation Board is the legal entity having collective accountability and responsibility for the academy trust and assuring itself that there is compliance with regulatory, contractual and statutory requirements. The Board provides:

  • strategic leadership of the trust, defining the trust vision for high quality and inclusive education in line with its charitable objects
  • accountability and assurance – having effective oversight of the operations and performance of the trust, including the provision of education, pupil welfare, overseeing and ensuring appropriate use of funding and effective financial performance and keeping their estate safe and well-maintained
  • engagement – having strategic oversight of relationships with stakeholders and ensuring decision making is supporting by meaningful engagement with parents, schools and communities.

To support the Federation Board in its work, a number of cross Federation committees have been created. Duties have been delegated to them as appropriate and as in line with the Board’s ethos – these delegations are articulated in the trust’s Scheme of Delegation.

Federation board members are registered as both company directors and trustees in line with a multi-academy trust having the legal status of a charitable company limited by guarantee.  More information about members of the Federation Board can be found here.

See below for information about our board members and the various committees of the board.

Membership of the Federation Trust Board - Trustees

  1. Kate Ward - LSC Foundation Trustee - Chair of Federation Trust Board
  2. Stuart Fuller - LSC Foundation Trustee
  3. Richard Preston - LSC Foundation Trustee - Vice Chair of Federation Trust Board
  4. Helen Ingham - LSC Foundation Trustee
  5. Chris Barnham - Co-opted Trustee
  6. Alexandra Bassett - Co-opted Trustee
  7. Daniel Becker - Co-opted Trustee
  8. Ian Duffy - Co-opted Trustee
  9. Claire Walker - Parent elected Trustee
  10. Warwick Mansell - Parent elected Trustee

The Chair of the Federation Trust Board can be contacted at governance@leathersellers-federation.com

Committees of the Board

Education Committee (EC)

Supports the board to ensure high quality and effective education of young people in Leathersellers - delivering an in-depth review of educational performance, safeguarding, pastoral support, inclusion and provision for special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) pupils across the trust.

Education Committee Terms of Reference

Education Committee Membership

Ian Duffy (Chair)
Chris Barnham
Alexandra Bassett
Helen Ingham
Claire Walker
Kate Ward

People & Finance Committee (PFC)

Undertakes detailed review of the trust’s financial strategy, plans and policies, including the financial statements in the annual report and accounts. It ensures that the trust’s people framework supports the implementation of the trust strategic plan and delivery of education, holds oversight of wellbeing, pay and terms and conditions of all employees, and has the estates management strategy for the trust.

People and Finance Committee Terms of Reference

People & Finance Committee Membership

​Stuart Fuller (Chair)
Sukhvinder Kaur-Stubbs (Associate)
Warwick Mansell
Richard Preston
Claire Walker

Audit & Risk Committee (ARC)

Monitors the integrity of the trust’s financial statements, financial performance, internal financial controls, internal control and risk management, along with reviewing the effectiveness of the internal audit function.

Audit & Risk Committee Terms of Reference

Audit & Risk Committee Membership

Daniel Becker (Chair)
Alexandra Bassett
Richard Preston

Pay & Remuneration Committee (PRC)

To agree pay policies for staff and CEO.

Pay & Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference

Pay & Remuneration Committee Membership

Ian Duffy (Chair)
Kate Ward
Helen Ingham

Admissions Committee (AC)

​Maintain oversight and scrutiny of all aspects of the Federation’s admission arrangements and practice.

Admissions Committee Terms of Reference

Admissions Committee Membership

Helen Ingham (Chair)
Richard Preston
Kate Ward
Paula Ledger

Resolutions Committee (RC)

Responsible for panel hearings for exclusions, complaints or others as required.

Resolutions Committee Terms of Reference



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