
The Leathersellers' Company is one of the ancient Livery Companies of the City.

It is made up of 150 liverymen (senior members) and a variable number of freemen (entry level member). The Company is governed by an elected Master (Chairman-equivalent) and three Wardens, and the Court of Assistants (the Board), which is a permanent body comprised of Liverymen who have served as Master (Pastmasters) and those who have not (Assistants). The Company elects a new Master and Wardens each summer.

The Master, Wardens and Court of Assistants act as a chairman and board of directors, meeting monthly to decide policy and oversee Company affairs. Assisting them is a small permanent staff headed by the Chief Executive & Clerk, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of Company business.

The Leathersellers' Company devotes its energies to support for charity, education and the British leather trade.

Information on The Leathersellers' Company and Education
The Leathersellers' Company - Booklet
The Leathersellers' Review