
A Level Results 2017 'significantly improved'

Prendergast School is delighted to announce significantly improved A Level results this year. At a time of major change students have achieved excellent results across the wide range of A Level subjects. Over 27% achieved A* and A grades or equivalents and 48% achieved B grades or better, which means students wishing to take place in Russell Group universities have been more successful. Impressively 28 subjects including English, Biology, French, Geography, Italian, Physics, Spanish, Music and Textiles had a 100% pass rate.

Individual students have done exceptionally well. Ruby Gaffney (A*, A*, A) to Oxford to read English and Aizraelle Clark-Headley (A*,A*,A) to Cambridge to read Human, Social and Political Science.  Some of the top achievers also include Tian Gan (3 A*s) going to UCL to read Engineering and Tilly Quartano (3 A*s) to Manchester to read Medicine.  A further 9 students achieved at least 3 As or A*: Lucy Peters, Lydia Berry, Emily Preston-Baker, Thora Naybour, Alicja Mierzwinska, Tsakani Brauer-Maxaeia, Alison Bayley, Krishtina Amatya and Zarka Iqbal. A further 10 students achieved at least 2 As or A*.

Paula Ledger the Headteacher said, ‘We are delighted that so many students have done so well. This is a credit to the support given to them by their hard working teachers and their parents. Given the national uncertainty over the A Level reforms and the move to more difficult A Levels these results are confirmation of the quality of teaching and the hard work of the students.’

Posted on 24th August 2017